Our journey began in 2000 on the banks of Charles River in Boston, Massachusetts, USA where our founding team witnessed how the forces of globalization, combined with the evolution of technology, were disrupting businesses and transforming individuals of different cultural, social and economic backgrounds across the globe. To dialogue on these issues, we assembled a team of industry executives, public administrators, educators, community and social service specialists, and environmentalists. This initiative fast evolved into the mission upon which CRICT was founded.
CRICT stands for the Charles River Initiative for Creative Transformation. We believe that the disruption created by the forces of globalization and technological advancements need not be destructive. Companies who emerged from such disruptive events created new value propositions for existing industries, formed new industries that had never existed before, and created a new class of the global workforce and citizenship. Together these creations helped advance society and rebalance the global economy.
We believe that CRICT can play a small but pivotal role in this revolutionary process. By harnessing the power of creative transformation, CRICT can help you to direct this towards achieving your dream professionally and personally.
To transform ourselves we must un-learn everything we already know; we must be able to “imagine nothing”.